EduCaribbean Weekend ed. 2021-03-18

EduCaribbean Weekend ed. 2021-03-18

EDITOR’S NOTE: At the beginning of this month, #EduCaribbean examined the negative effect the pandemic has been having on funding of Caribbean universities. In this issue, we re-visit the topic: this time focusing on the University of the West Indies (UWI) and...
EduCaribbean Weekend ed. 2021-03-18

EduCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-03-15

EDITOR’S NOTE: Last month, #EduCaribbean featured Guyana. We do the same again in this issue. Developments presented can be split between high school and higher education. Two articles are presented for the former and three for the latter.The headline titled...
EduCaribbean Weekend ed. 2021-03-18

EduCaribbean Weekend ed. 2021-03-11

EDITOR’S NOTE: As the COVID-19 pandemic continues across the Caribbean, regional secondary examinations in the English-speaking Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has been of particular concern: so much so that education ministers met as the Council for Human and...
EduCaribbean Weekend ed. 2021-03-18

EduCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-03-08

EDITOR’S NOTE: In this issue, #EduCaribbean takes a look at higher education in the Caribbean. We feature an article on the financial state of a number of Jamaican universities due to the affect of the pandemic. We also look at Guyana’s budgetary...
EduCaribbean Weekend ed. 2021-03-18

EduCaribbean Weekend ed. 2021-03-04

EDITOR’S NOTE: In December 2020, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) had recommended that teachers should be given priority in the administration of COVID-19 vaccinations. But prior to now, only overseas territories of...
EduCaribbean Weekend ed. 2021-03-18

EduCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-03-01

EDITOR’S NOTE: As the current pandemic lingers, the financing of education becomes challenging. In this issue, #EduCaribbean looks at the experience of students in financing their education during this pandemic.For some like 19-year-old Crystina Perkins, Winsome...