IslandsCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-03-09

IslandsCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-03-09

EDITOR’S NOTE: As we begin the month of March, #IslandsCaribbean revisits the now familiar topic of #DigitalNomads, which we have been covering since the early days of the pandemic. Barbados was the first Caribbean island to offer such a facility, so we have...
EduCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-03-08

EduCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-03-08

EDITOR’S NOTE: In this issue, #EduCaribbean takes a look at higher education in the Caribbean. We feature an article on the financial state of a number of Jamaican universities due to the affect of the pandemic. We also look at Guyana’s budgetary...
InfrastruCaribe Weekend ed. 2021-03-05

InfrastruCaribe Weekend ed. 2021-03-05

EDITOR’S NOTE: In the previous issue, #InfrastruCaribe concluded a series on transport. In this issue, we commence a series on Utilities. More specifically we will be looking at Water and Sewage systems in three locations, namely: the Dominican Republic, The...
EduCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-03-08

EduCaribbean Weekend ed. 2021-03-04

EDITOR’S NOTE: In December 2020, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) had recommended that teachers should be given priority in the administration of COVID-19 vaccinations. But prior to now, only overseas territories of...
IslandsCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-03-09

IslandsCaribbean Weekend ed. 2021-02-26

EDITOR’S NOTE: In our last issue, we began a series on developments in the Caribbean travel sector. In that issue we looked at developments in the Greater Antilles and saw that, of the three hotel chains presented, only Marriot International was proceeding with...