IslandsCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-03-09

IslandsCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-03-09

EDITOR’S NOTE: As we begin the month of March, #IslandsCaribbean revisits the now familiar topic of #DigitalNomads, which we have been covering since the early days of the pandemic. Barbados was the first Caribbean island to offer such a facility, so we have...
IslandsCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-03-09

IslandsCaribbean Weekend ed. 2021-02-12

EDITOR’S NOTE: In this issue, #IslandsCaribbean revisits the matter of digital nomads in the Caribbean. We examine Bermuda’s change of it’s guidelines: allowing persons with means to extend their stay up to a year, without needing to work during that...