InfrastruCaribe Weekday ed. 2021-03-09

InfrastruCaribe Weekday ed. 2021-03-09

EDITOR’S NOTE: In this issue, #InfrastruCaribe continues the series on utilities in the Caribbean, and begins what will be a two part presentation on energy. This part of the presentation is essentially about Liquified Natural Gas ( #LNG). The final part will be...
InfrastruCaribe Weekday ed. 2021-03-09

InfrastruCaribe Weekend ed. 2021-03-05

EDITOR’S NOTE: In the previous issue, #InfrastruCaribe concluded a series on transport. In this issue, we commence a series on Utilities. More specifically we will be looking at Water and Sewage systems in three locations, namely: the Dominican Republic, The...
IslandsCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-03-02

IslandsCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-03-02

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Dominican Republic is the most popular of Caribbean tourist destinations. It also has the highest rate of repeat visitors in the Caribbean. With this in mind, #IslandsCaribbean revisits the destination in this issue, following from our last...
EduCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-03-01

EduCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-03-01

EDITOR’S NOTE: As the current pandemic lingers, the financing of education becomes challenging. In this issue, #EduCaribbean looks at the experience of students in financing their education during this pandemic.For some like 19-year-old Crystina Perkins, Winsome...
InfrastruCaribe Weekday ed. 2021-03-09

InfrastruCaribe Weekend ed. 2021-02-26

This issue begins a series on Transport Infrastructure in the Caribbean. #InfrastruCaribe first takes a look at the road network in three nations: The Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Guyana. In the Dominican Republic, a new suspension bridge is proposed to replace...