infrastruCaribe, Weekday ed. 2021-06-29

infrastruCaribe, Weekday ed. 2021-06-29

EDITOR’S NOTE: Towards the middle of June, #infrastruCaribe started a series on renewable energy infrastructure in the Caribbean, in our edition 2021-06-18. We conclude that series in this newsletter. Four Caribbean countries are covered, namely: Guyana,...
IslandsCaribbean, Weekday ed. 2021-06-15

IslandsCaribbean, Weekday ed. 2021-06-15

EDITOR’S NOTE: In this newsletter, #IslandsCaribbean features Puerto Rico for the first time. We cover topics such as events, resort re-opening, change of protocols, and ecotourism. Two of our five articles are on events. All the others have an article apiece....
IslandsCaribbean, Weekday ed. 2021-06-15

IslandsCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-06-01

EDITOR’S NOTE: Approaching the middle of March, #IslandsCaribbean featured Caribbean attractions in our edition 2021-03-16. This newsletter does the same. Three Caribbean countries are covered, namely: The Bahamas, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica. Jamaica has three of...
infrastruCaribe, Weekday ed. 2021-06-29

InfrastruCaribe Weekday ed. 2021-05-18

EDITOR’S NOTE: Just past the middle of March, #InfrastruCaribe featured Sporting/Recreation infrastructure in the Caribbean in our edition 2021-03-25. This newsletter features recreational infrastructure, as we continue our series on social infrastructure. Four...
IslandsCaribbean, Weekday ed. 2021-06-15

IslandsCaribbean Weekday ed. 2021-05-11

EDITOR’S NOTE: At the beginning of April, #IslandsCaribbean featured digital nomads in our edition 2021-04-09. This newsletter does the same. Four destinations are featured, namely: Aruba, Puerto Rico, Dominica, and Curacao. Each has an article apiece. The fifth...